As often as people say that money can’t buy happiness, studies have shown a substantial correlation between a negative financial situation and depression. The relationship between finances and mental health is interesting, as poor financial health can cause poor...
Written by Chatty Garrate The workplace is under more pressure than ever before. Globalization made it more competitive and job security less assured. The traditional nine-to-five workday is becoming a thing of the past as employees are expected to be available 24/7...
Sexual harassment training has been a long-standing portion of the onboarding process, and with good reason. While no federal law requires sexual harassment training, it is highly encouraged by the EEOC and can save employers and employees from uncomfortable...
It’s normal for individuals to wonder what they are doing with their lives, especially if they don’t enjoy their careers. Falling into a slump can derail your hopes and dreams, but ways to break out of a career slump will put you on a path to success. Take a Break...
We may suffer from specific work stressors that affect our productivity, leading to long-term effects within our occupational careers. With anything bothering us, it helps to talk about these things with others who understand our struggle and will relate. When...
You’ve just got promoted to the role of manager, and now you have the huge responsibility to lead your entire team. You went from worker bee to top dog, and while you may have been working toward this goal for some time, it’s still uncharted waters for you. Your...