Treating the Winter Blues: 4 Things You Should Know

Treating the Winter Blues: 4 Things You Should Know

By: Dr. Doug Newton, Winter is a festive time of year. With peppermint-flavored treats, cozy decor, and snow-filled activities, it’s a time often rife with nostalgia and fond memories.  Yet winter is a notoriously difficult time of year, too. Have...
7 Ways To Enjoy Your First Sober Christmas

7 Ways To Enjoy Your First Sober Christmas

Written by Ark Behavioral Health. The holiday season is a time for celebration—from Thanksgiving to Christmas to New Year’s Eve. It may feel like the whole month of December is packed with parties that are stocked with alcohol.  How can you enjoy your first sober...
10 Ways To Enjoy A Sober Thanksgiving

10 Ways To Enjoy A Sober Thanksgiving

Written by Ark Behavioral Health. Thanksgiving brings delicious food and special memories with loved ones and family members. However, it can also bring stress, especially for those recovering from alcohol addiction. That’s because most Thanksgiving celebrations...
What Foods are Good for Drug Detox?

What Foods are Good for Drug Detox?

By Ohio Addiction Recovery Center in Columbus, Ohio. Detoxing from alcohol or drugs can be challenging as your body starts healing from all the damage caused by substance misuse. Therefore, it is essential to eat the right foods good for drug detox that are rich in...
12 Signs That Someone Is On Drugs

12 Signs That Someone Is On Drugs

Credit: Recovery Ohio, Many abuse drugs and drug abuse causes various mental, behavioral, and physical symptoms. When left untreated, it can lead to drug addiction. This serious disease makes you feel unable to stop using drugs.  If...
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