The more you create a strong social media presence, the higher the risk of you becoming cyber bullied. Pre-teens and high school aged kids are not just at risk. Anyone is! And if you, regardless of age don’t know how to handle cyber bullies- you will become a...
People have a general idea of what depression means. There are many who even see this as part of their everyday lives. Depression is a mental disorder that affects someone’s total conduct. This is manifested through his or her actions and the changes in the way...
Putting the needs and wants of others before your’s is what is acceptable to society. If you end up putting your own needs and wants before anyone else’s, then you are considered to be selfish. I am sorry, however that belief is what is unacceptable. Am I...
I have spoken about social media or Facebook depression in the past. In a nutshell, social media depression is when someone is feeling worthless or hopeless by following connections who appear to have a better life. That person makes the comparison between his or her...
Many business owners are concerned about keeping their social media presence so professional that they end up turning out to appear non-personal or fake. Some unintentionally brag often about their success because they are proud. It is one thing to stay positive and...
Several years ago, I believed that Klout was extremely important. I saw value in it, while many naysayers expressed how silly it really was. All that did was encourage me to defend it’s “value” even more. However, over time I saw for myself that...