This is a great post from Michael Stelzner from Social Media Examiner as well as podcast which talks about how to grow your business through Twitter, and be sure to check my resource The Power of Twitter. All you have to do is tweet the resource out and you will have...
A lot of people are still very confused on how Twitter works and they have no idea how to deal with the “noise” that comes from their Twitter feeds. My first advice is to just ignore it and concentrate on learning how to make the most of your Twitter...
A lot of people who do understand the importance of maintaining a social media presence are not able to afford to keep it up, money and time wise so they end up automating their Facebook posts, their tweets, etc. I feel if you automate in moderation there is no issue...
If you are purchasing Twitter or Instagram followers, or Facebook fans or subscribers, you are getting yourself into hot water. Not only will a large fake following with very little engagement be detrimental to your Klout score, however people will easily know if you...
Some people are still quite confused as to what hashtags are. Hashtags are that word you see after the number sign people place after their Facebook statuses, Google Plus and Instagram posts and Twitter tweets. The purpose of the hashtag is that if someone clicks on...