Being a freelancer has given me the freedom to work on my own schedule, and the great thing as well about it is that there is always work that comes your way. Some months are better than others, but I do well pretty much every month from freelancing in general.
I am offered work from various companies that require writers and content creators which is what I do. And, I should also add that a significant contribution to my monthly income is from Fiverr.
Fiverr is a great freelancing platform because:
- You can set your own prices
- You don’t need to bid like you must do on other platforms which means you would end up having to do a lot of work for pennies which is a huge deal to me!
- Fiverr is extremely user-friendly
- You can create the gigs that you want, however, some may be denied if the staff at Fiverr find that it goes against their TOS
And Fiverr is a great for many other reasons. And, even if you are not actively freelancing, you can offer gigs that don’t take much time and effort just to make some side cash. And I won’t lie either. You can do quite well financially on Fiverr, but you are not going to become filthy rich from this platform alone.
The types of services that you can offer on Fiverr are endless really, which can include:
- Writing
- Sponsored posts on your blog that receives a lot of traffic
- Social media management
- Social media posts creation
- Graphic design and/or Photoshop
- Banner creation
- Proofreading and editing
- Transcription
- Voiceovers
- Other useful skills that people would need such a tarot reading or providing coaching or some sort
In other words, the sky is the limit of what you can offer on Fiverr, as long as the staff approves of your gig. And there are plenty of people around that want to get started on Fiverr but have no idea how to start.
What I will do is share screenshots of one of the gigs that I had created to walk you through the gig creation process. The first thing you need to do is go to and sign up as a seller. You will receive a confirmation email and go follow the instructions. It is pretty straight forward.
Once you get to it and you are about to create your first gig, then you go and create the gig. It has a default I will and you fill in the rest of it by creating the gig title which tells everyone what you are doing. In this case, I am offering a gig to publish a post on my mom blog.
You will be given choices of how to narrow what you are offering down by the title you choose. So I had created this gig that offers buyers a chance to have exposure to their business or work based on the traffic I get for my mom blog each month.
And since my blog is a mom blog (not this one obviously), I was given a choice to narrow down the niche, and I chose family, education, and childcare.
Additionally, at the end of this first section, I chose the tags that would be searchable on the platform that would bring up this gig to searchers. And Fiverr will suggest the best ones to you as well when you add the search tags.
I chose blog post, guest post, parenting, moms, and writers. You can only add 5 tags.

Okay now let’s get to the next section after you save this first part, which is pricing. It is a good idea to offer 3 packages and Fiverr suggests that to you as well. You can offer something very basic for $5, and then go to the next package and offer more for more money, and for the premium or last package, you can offer the most for the most amount of money for this gig.
For the basic package, I offer sponsored posts that are written by the buyer as well as an image they provide to me for $5. The next package which is for $20 is a 500-word post written by me and I use a royalty-free image, and for the premium package which is for $25, I offer a 500-word post in addition to an image I create for the post.
I may actually raise my prices for this gig soon. And that is a beauty of Fiverr. You are free to raise your prices within reason of course. However. my advice to you is when you are starting out, start low, and once you get a number of positive ratings, you can raise your prices (I will get to that later).
And you will also need to determine the amount of time you will realistically need to deliver an order. For the basic part of this gig, because the post is written by the buyer and all I have to do is upload it into my blog, it’s an express gig. It will be ready in 24 hours.
For the next packages up, I give myself 3 and 4 days because it requires more work. And, you can offer gig extras such as for another $10, to deliver the gig in one day if they want a rush on it.

Okay, you have set your prices and now you will save, and get to the next part which is the description.
You are going to want to sell yourself with this because the description of your gig is what will get you the sales. If you are too vague with what you are selling and you don’t express what kind of value you can offer based on what service you are selling – you are leaving a lot of money on the table.
I write in my description why parenting blogs are popular, and why they cover a variety of topics. Then I talk about how I have a large following, and how I can create a lot of exposure to them based on that alone. That is the part of the description that has gotten me sales.
They want me to host something about their business or product on my mom blog in order to gain more exposure through my help. And, if they want me to create an image for the post, then they pay extra by ordering the premium part of the gig.
So again, when you are writing your description, be sure to add in it how it will help the buyer, and why it is valuable to them.
You also can add an FAQ area at the bottom of this part if you feel that potential buyers would benefit from it. I didn’t do it for this gig because there was no need. This part is optional. Once you are done with that, you can save it.

Now that part is saved, you will be directed to the next part. This part directs you to the area that allows you to write a message to anyone who orders your gig. That is the message anyone who orders the gig will see automatically.
Be sure to thank them for the order because they did purchase something for you. And it is best to ask them to send you any instructions in detail because communication between the buyer and the seller is the key to making the buyer happy and it erases frustration from the seller’s end.
Some buyers, unfortunately, expect sellers to read minds and that does get frustrating. Never be afraid to ask the buyer for further clarification if you need it after they order. You can add several other requirements if you must from the buyer in order for you to start working for them.

Once that part is saved, you will go to the last section which means you will be done with creating your gig. This last section gives you the opportunity to create a gallery. I did something simple by just using a basic picture of a computer. But it is advisable to do something more creative as I have with my other gigs.
You can upload a picture of yourself to make it more personal, use some apps to create your own images for your gallery the describe your gig and brand yourself that way – the sky is the limit. You can even add videos if you want, and PDF’s to create a portfolio. It is easy to build as it only involves you dragging and dropping.
I won’t do much more with this gig, but with my others, I will because I offer writing services and I should include some PDF’s of some of my samples. However, I do have a Dropbox link of my samples for those who message me to ask me about it.

Now you will add your images and create your gallery, and then save it, and you have completed creating your gig.
You will also have the ability to create custom gigs for clients that have requests that you don’t offer normally. I do this a lot.
There are some things to keep in mind. As I mentioned before, start off by offering cheap services for $5, because you need to start up from somewhere. And, you will get some rude buyers, and demanding ones as well. Some will nickel and dime you. And the great thing is you can block them as long as you aren’t doing work for them.
You will also have to cancel orders if the client is being overly demanding and rude, or if you just can’t do the work. It happens. But as long as you keep the cancellations at 5{a0065375a7e2d1c093abc1aba7894b1ad713a40df7f413d8a34d916c8e570350} or lower, your rating will not be affected.
Speaking of ratings, I am doing well because my work is high quality which will get you the best ratings.

And when you receive a lot of excellent ratings, you can start increasing your prices! I did it when I received over 30 five-star ratings.
You will also want to make sure that you deliver your orders 1 day before they are due. That means when you set a delivery time, think about the time when you can create it as well as one extra day as a buffer.
That means if you feel you can fulfill an order in 4 days, don’t set the delivery for 4 days. Do it for 5 days so you have that extra time so you don’t feel rushed.
I also strongly recommend in your gig description to tell potential buyers to message you before ordering so that the cancellation rates can be lower. They will need to contact you to ask you if you can do the job they are looking for you to do.
This way, if you are not able to help them, you can tell them before they make the order and finding that you need to cancel which can hurt your rating.
The bottom line is only offer what you feel you realistically can and what you are passionate about. Be realistic about the time frame that you can complete the work in, and deliver your orders on time. Before you know it, you will end up with glowing ratings.
You will achieve level 1 which will give you some perks such as you being allowed to create more gigs and better customer service from Fiverr. I am at level 2 which is even better, and the last level is Top Seller which means you have to sell at least 20K worth of your services. And it won’t take that long to get there if you consistently end up with good ratings and increase your prices at the right time. You will intuitively know when that is. Good luck!
Great information and I appreciate the detailed explanations as well!
Hi Miriam, Thank you very much for the information provided
Is there any topics that you won’t discuss ?? Obviously not . Really excellent and informative one .
I’ve already bought Gigs in the past but have never offered services on this platform. It really is a great way to offer small services because the customer has the credibility of Fivver to ensure that they will only pay if the service was done. I have some ideas and your tutorial will help me test Fivver as a seller. 🙂
I have thoroughly read the whole article but the issue is we don’t get orders with a new account. So what should we do for marketing? I heard people buy dummy reviews to get on top. Please advise anything.
The best thing to do is to go to Fiverr exchange groups on Facebook to swap gigs to get reviews. Just do a search, there are plenty.
This post is extremely pleasant and educational. The clarification given is extremely exhaustive and useful.Thanks
Thank you so much for this clear information.
Hi Miriam
Thanks for taking the time to share your expertise on using Fiverr. I created a few Fiverr gigs a while back but after reading your post, I’ve been inspired to revamp them with your tips. I just logged in now and noticed they’ve changed the platform a lot. Will have to get used to how everything works. Thanks for sharing, appreciate it. Have an awesome day!
Thanks for commenting and yes they change things up quite often! Good luck with it.