I will start off by saying that thank Heavens that Mercury is out of retrograde. However, that period was rough for my mental state but I came out wiser in the end. Whenever you go through a rough time, that is what happens. That means I should be...
Going into the psychic business, if you have the ability (we all do to some extent, but some have it better than others like anything else in life) sounds like a great thing to do. Right? If you are an ethical individual who truly wants to help confused people by...
I’m constantly reaching out to potential new clients, and I am also looking for part time work so I have a stable income. That hasn’t stopped me from being open and honest about my struggles with depression. Why shouldn’t I be open and honest? Hiding...
When you are dealing with mental illness like depression, it is easy to become very emotional over it. After being diagnosed with a mental illness, it can be damage your self esteem even more because of the stigma attached to it. Unfortunately, mental illness has been...
Hollywood for decades has had a huge impact on western society by sharing the belief that if a woman is not a size 2, she is not worthy. Unfortunately this belief has led to many women experiencing self loathing, low self esteem and eating disorders. Things are slowly...
You are a manager of a company, and you have noticed that your most outgoing employee suddenly becomes aloof and withdrawn. The previously decisive team leader can’t seem to make the simplest decision anymore. That easygoing coworker starts arguing with...