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Mark Derian of?Animus Empire?sent this to me and this is what he wrote, and everyone needs to read this:
We don?t like to think emotions have an anatomy because emotions feel complicated. But the structure emerges when we know what to look for, and it?s a simple structure at that. No, this doesn?t mean our emotions are easy to handle, but they are simple.
In this video on sadness, I discuss how it relates to anger, the only causes of anger, and what specific questions we can ask ourselves to become more aware of our sadness. When we understand the purpose of sadness, it won?t make us immune to it but it will give us a map so we can find our way out of sadness when it does happen.
I also discuss the pitfall of gratitude. While it?s an excellent feeling to have, often it gets used as a psychological defense against doing the real work we need to do to manage our sadness and anger.
My next video in this series will be on what it means to use anger in a destructive way. Then in the final video, I?ll discuss how anger can be used in a constructive way and the psychological benefits we reap from doing so.
Go and find the complete video series on emotions right here.
Emotions are very hard to handle ๐ Sometimes we can’t share our emotions, cos of fear i don’t share my emotions with people.
Hi Miriam,
Thank you very much for the excellent video, I am not a good temper girl, looking forward to leanring a lot of things from the videoes.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for your feedback and I hope it helps you.