Via: Pixabay.com
I have seen it all. I have seen those who are scraping by on minimum wage or are unemployed and struggling to look for work, as well as SAHMs (just in case you are not sure of what that stands for, it is for stay at home moms), or those who are not employable ask how to make money from home. Unfortunately, many of these individuals are prone to falling for online scams or MLM.
Not that MLM companies are scammers the same way that those so-called companies that advertise offering you a large payment for just stuffing envelopes. However, I am not in favor of MLMs and I will explain why.
MLM companies are making you struggle to get to the top where you will finally end up getting paid. However, in order for you to get to that point, you have to recruit so many people into your “business” and also sell their products that can be bought anywhere for a much cheaper price to anyone.
That means whenever you get involved in an MLM company, you need to be aware of what you will be expected to do. That means you are going to be expected to hound your friends, family and those old high school classmates that you haven’t even thought about for years-who may not want a thing to do with you nowadays. You are expected to bug them as much as possible because you will be forced to enroll people quickly. Additionally, you’ll be forced to buy products every month that you won’t be needing, which will end up taking a lot of space in your basement or garage.
It is one thing to join an MLM company for the fact that you really like the product and that is it. However, I don’t recommend it in order to make money because you will be struggling to do so. You’ll also be spending more than you’ll be making! You will also be feeling pressured to recruit everyone who you know, and the next thing you know is that you will be feeling very resentful towards your family members and friends who refused to join the MLM company that you are representing. They will also be avoiding you because they will see that you only want to talk to them in order to join your company.
A few of your friends may feel sorry for you and buy those products but that will be the extent of it. All you will do is increase your anxiety, worsen your money struggles and lose good friendships if you expect to make money from any MLM company you join.
I’m not trying to bash any MLM company, but I do know how they work and if you are looking to make some cash on the side or even full-time, don’t go down this route.
Freelancing is the way to go!
However, the good news is that not every way to make money from home out there is from having to join MLMs or falling for money-making scams. You can learn a skill, or enhance a skill that you have and become a freelancer. There are so many things that you can do, as there are legitimate ways to make money. But if you enjoy writing, for instance, you will be able to make some money off of it.
In fact, you can make a lot of money from freelance writing but it will take time to build up. It is also very hard to market yourself from scratch. You need to join a marketplace like Fiverr, and offer your services. I don’t recommend bidding sites like Upwork. That is because you will be finding yourself working on large projects that are given to you by demanding clients for pennies! Maybe not literally but you get my drift.
I also strongly would stay away from a site called Freeeup because their vetting process is so strict that you could give the best interview in the world, and provide them with great samples of your work?but if you don’t pass their?test which you are forced to take within a time restriction and they don’t like your answers?you are out.
That is why I recommend Fiverr because there is no bidding involved, nor do you have to take any silly tests. But you are responsible for creating a good reputation which will end up allowing you to raise your prices and will help you find new clients.
You can also look for freelance work on Indeed.com, and you can go on forums like the WAHM forum, as well as The Warrior Forum, if you are interested in doing some internet marketing. What you need to do is explore and see what kind of things you can offer and get paid for!
If you do end up going into freelance writing, I recommend starting out on Fiverr so you have some samples to provide potential new clients that you may end up finding. You can also write up pieces for that purpose as well so you have something to offer. Perhaps even look into creating a portfolio with a lot of your past work for clients?or samples that you have created for that purpose alone.?
One company that I do a fair amount of work for, and get paid quite well for it is Valnet. There are also sites like ProBlogger?where you can find writing jobs. They are updated often.
Other freelancing services that you can offer aside from writing or ghostwriting are:
- Social media content creation and management
- SEO services
- forum posting
- blog commenting
- graphic design
- banner making
- transcription
- translation
- editing
Those are just to name a few! And remember, it will take time for you to build a stable income from freelancing, however you will be far more successful with it than becoming involved with any MLM company.
I do earn from freelance writing too and I do say that there are times when there are nothing to do. Thanks for sharing.
It’s a great job that you can do from home.