Topics such as mental illness, death and anything that is considered to be taboo is always shoved under the rug. That is why it is taboo. It is time that these uncomfortable parts of life are brought out. I am organizing a new podcast called Exploring the Eighth House...
I have blogged and just spoken a lot about Klout and social media influence. Today on Getting Social with Miriam the focus definitely was not on Klout however, the focus was on the topic of influencer marketing. My guest today on the show was Peter DeSouza. Peter is...
Today on Getting Social with Miriam, I had the pleasure of interviewing one of the most influential moms around, Kay Ledson out of Melbourne, Australia. Her story is very moving and she is an example of tapping into one’s strength. Kay worked in financial...
Once in a while I will be featuring influential people on this blog, and I had had the pleasure of interviewing one of the most influential guests in spiritual psychology and ancient mysticism on my podcast Getting Social with Miriam, Anne Preciado Rich, a spiritual...
Building influence goes way beyond building up a high Klout score. A high Klout score is an indicator that you have a strong presence, mostly online and to some degree offline and you are engaging with your network- however it is not the end all. If you really want to...