Why Would an Adult Still Suck Their Thumb?

Why Would an Adult Still Suck Their Thumb?

In the early aughts (2000s), a flurry of celebrities “came out” as adult thumb-suckers. The late Amy Winehouse, singer Rihanna, and actor James Nesbitt were all seen, photographed, or admitted to sucking their thumbs as adults. Many people have nervous habits, from...
Common Mistakes First-Time Managers Make

Common Mistakes First-Time Managers Make

You’ve just got promoted to the role of manager, and now you have the huge responsibility to lead your entire team. You went from worker bee to top dog, and while you may have been working toward this goal for some time, it’s still uncharted waters for you. Your...
5 Tips For Taking A Mental Health Detox

5 Tips For Taking A Mental Health Detox

Have you ever found yourself thinking about how stressful your life is? Maybe it’s due to all of the work that has piled up, or perhaps something else altogether. Our minds are constantly confronted with information and stressors from our external...
Top Five Reasons For Depression

Top Five Reasons For Depression

Depression is one of the leading reasons for suicides and suicidal attempts worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, around 800,000 people commit suicide every year. Without a doubt, depression is considered a medical condition. Over 264 million people...
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