Stress Free: Tips To Prepare for a Job Interview

Stress Free: Tips To Prepare for a Job Interview

It’s no secret that the interview process can be stressful as you try to impress potential employers. But by preparing yourself, it’s easier to talk yourself down from that mountain of anxiety. Some of the essential tips to prepare for a job interview are, to be...
On Self-Advocacy for Disabilities in the Workplace

On Self-Advocacy for Disabilities in the Workplace

Disabled individuals make up a significant and necessary portion of the workforce. No matter what your disability is—and yes, mental illnesses like depression and neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD and autism are disabilities—you deserve to thrive in the...
5 Ways To Help Employees Battle Fatigue at Work

5 Ways To Help Employees Battle Fatigue at Work

Exhaustion is one of the biggest reasons people become demoralized at work. When someone is tired, their body and mind don’t perform optimally, which can lead to a spiral of poor performance and feeling discouraged. As a manager, you can assist in alleviating this...
Signs That You Have a Social Media Addiction

Signs That You Have a Social Media Addiction

In today’s times, it’s easier than ever to have access to the internet. Nearly everybody has a smartphone, and thanks to cellular data, we can connect to the internet without connecting to a Wi-Fi hotspot. An unfortunate side effect of always being connected is that...
How a Standing Desk Can Benefit Your Health

How a Standing Desk Can Benefit Your Health

Maybe you work remotely, and you’re worried about how much time you spend seated in a day. Maybe you work in the office, and you’ve noted a few of your coworkers using standing desks. No matter how you discovered these desks, it’s essential to know that standing desks...
4 Tips for Boosting Collaboration in Your Office

4 Tips for Boosting Collaboration in Your Office

Collaboration is vital in every place of work, but offices and cubicles can make it hard to feel connected to coworkers. Nowadays, many workplaces have also taken on a hybrid environment so that employees can work some days remotely and go into the office on other...
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