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The Coronavirus has turned everyone’s lives upside down as that is what pandemics do! And this is a global pandemic. Everyone is worried about catching the COVID-19 virus which is why the government has issued an order for social distancing in order to slow the spread and flatten the curve. The good news is that even though we have not hit our peak yet here, there is evidence that this tactic is working. There is reason for optimism that this will not last, but the question is, when will it go?

Others are very concerned about how long we will have to stay home and to self-quarantine, and keep our lives on pause? It is very frustrating to many, but this is also very taxing to those who have mental illnesses.

And mental illness is not something that is covered often in regards to this pandemic. People are focused on staying healthy by wearing gloves and masks when they go and run their essential errands quickly. They are focused on staying healthy for the sake of their family members who may be more vulnerable even more so for themselves. But how is this affecting other members of their families who may be physically healthy but have a history of mental illnesses such as anxiety?

Unfortunately, they are the ones who are left out, and if you are struggling with anxiety, just know you are not alone. If you were making good progress with your mental health for a long time but this situation has caused you to regress, you are not alone.

This is why you will want to know about the free Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook that is offered by the Wellness Society.

This workbook is there to provide you with the support that you need during this time of uncertainty so you don’t feel that you are isolated while you are physically isolating yourself. This workbook is meant to help you go down to the root of the issues that are causing you anxiety so you can work with it, and then feel a sense of relief after.

In fact, you will also realize that there are tools around that will help reduce your anxiety. That is in the first part of the book. In the second part of the book, you can learn how to create your own Stress Resilience Action Plan. This is meant to help you prevent and reduce auto stress.

And another important thing to note is that you will want to limit how much media are you are exposed to. Yes, it is good to be informed of what is happening in your area. You will want to know about important updates and if there are new important announcements to listen out for. But when it comes to the media that is not relevant to you, keep away from it. Don’t read the world news.

Hearing about outbreaks that are happening badly in areas that are nowhere near where you live is not helpful. Besides, there is a lot of fake news and misinformation out there that is only going to worsen anxiety. Stick to what you need to know, and download this workbook for free. And stay safe. It will not last forever and remember that.

Download the free Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook that is offered by the Wellness Society right here.

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