Just because you’re working remotely doesn’t mean that you can’t recognize your teammates for doing a good job. It’s always important to deliver some much-needed positive reinforcement. Working remotely can be lonely, and a nice gesture can do...
There are many reasons why working from home reduces stress—you can optimize your time, save money, and customize your home office how you please. If going into your company’s office each day makes you nervous, consider the benefits of working from home. Many...
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. According to WHO, at least 264 million people worldwide of all ages suffer from depression, and I am one of those people. The unfortunate thing is, despite what many in the so-called wellness industry say, you cannot cure...
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and if I had the time, I would have written blog posts at least three times a week for this month. I am quite busy at the moment, so let me strive for at least once a week. I should be writing once a week regardless of the month...
One of the scariest things to do is to go job hunting, which applies to those who do not struggle with mental illnesses. However, if you have depression or any other mental illness, the idea of looking for a job is scarier. You can also easily fall into the trap of...
When you have depression, you may struggle with working in an office with others. Office politics can be a trigger for many sufferers and this is also a contributing factor as to why those who are diagnosed with depression live on disability income. This turns into a...