As you are aware, Lithium Technologies acquired Klout nearly 2 months ago. At the time, no one had a clue what Lithium’s plans were going to be. However, today the news is starting to spread about the changes that are being brought to Klout due to the...
A great show today on Getting Social with Miriam. I absolutely love the guests who I have had the honor to interview on my show. Before I go into who it is at the moment, as you know from a lot of my previous work, blog posts and articles I have written the importance...
I have always believed in Klout, even though the score may not be 100{a0065375a7e2d1c093abc1aba7894b1ad713a40df7f413d8a34d916c8e570350} perfect. The reason that I have always seen the potential in the Klout score is because it is being looked at more than you may...
On today’s episode of Getting Social with Miriam, I had interviewed an exciting guest. ?Before I go into the details, I want to mention a few things. As I have discussed many times in the past through my past podcasts as well as content I had written up, if any...
Big news for Klout once again. Lithium Technologies, a customer service company is about to acquire Klout for at least $100 million as Re/code had originally stated. Even though the deal has not been technically made, papers have bee signed and things are...
At one time, not all that long ago really Klout based your influence only on your score. This had understandably angered a lot of people. How can you possibly measure influence based only on a numerical value? You can’t really. And I have said this all along-...