In order to generate business you need to market it properly. Knowing good marketing strategies is your business lifeline. That is what will get your customers, and repeat customers. There are many ways you can market your business but here are 5 of those methods that I feel are extremely important.
1. Find as many places as possible to advertise: You need to find as many places to advertise your business as possible! But one way to advertise effectively is to advertise your business in places where your competition does not. You will surprisingly find more customers this way! And the best part about it is, they will not know about your competition!
2. Take business away from your competitors: The first thing to do is to watch your competitors’ marketing methods very carefully! Find out what makes them successful! THEN use those methods in your own program or business! And research new methods all the time that you can use, methods that your competitors may not even know about 🙂
3. Hand out freebies: It is worth the investment of notepads, pens, calendars, magnets, etc to give away to customers. However, don’t forget to put your business information and logo on it! They will remember that. But you can always be more innovative then only giving out pens and office supplies with your business info on there. You can give out small stuffed animals, fake plants, or you can create anything that is unique. You can take a trip to the dollar store to buy those items at the lowest price possible, and hire a company to add your logo to those items.
4. Conduct surveys and publish them to capture the attention of the media: If you want to find out about the trends of your industry, conduct a survey! People actually really like surveys ! And you never know, it could give you and your business free publicity… from the media!
5. Make good use of free advertising space: You are probably stuck on the idea of creating ads online, even free classifieds you likely take advantage of. However, people will frequently miss those. You need to advertise offline as well in “free” places, when it comes to advertising. How about putting a logo on your car? Or even on your shirt? When you send out mail, drop in a business card! Does not matter who you are sending mail to! If you are mailing a check to your gas company, the recipient who works there may actually be in need of your services or products 🙂
Those are just a few examples to advertise your business! The sky is the limit, get creative and keep advertising!