Freelancing is the choice that many people are making more and more when it comes to generating an income. They are not well-suited for the 9 to 5 style, and they want to make an income by doing something that they are passionate about and are good at. Freelancers...
I am going to do what I can to keep the dirty laundry to a minimum. But that might be hard to do because a lot of ugly but necessary shit happened this past decade. I won’t go into every single detail but I will mention the highlights. The decade started off...
I am glad to see that a day such as this one exists because mental illness is very real. The seriousness of mental illness is no different from a physical illness. And at the same time, while someone who is suffering from a physical illness is responsible for getting...
Being a freelancer has given me the freedom to work on my own schedule, and the great thing as well about it is that there is always work that comes your way. Some months are better than others, but I do well pretty much every month from freelancing in general. I am...
The majority of people who are sharing their views online do so without the intent of purposely hurting anyone even though some people will inevitably become offended by whatever was said. And that is their issue to deal with. However, some people go online to piss...