I have to say it is sad how many businesses end up failing to thrive within 3 years of starting up. Or even within 1 year. However, sometimes you need to be patient and let the business build up. But if things are doing poorly in your third year, then there is a serious issue.
Being a small business owner myself, I know how fragile a startup can be, how easily your marketing efforts could be lost in this noisy world. Competition is fierce in most industries. And the reality is, there is an ocean of businesses out there, and everyone is fighting for survival.
So how can you succeed? It is simple, yet not necessarily easy because it will take time and effort. But you need to absolutely 100{a0065375a7e2d1c093abc1aba7894b1ad713a40df7f413d8a34d916c8e570350} stand out from the crowd. If you need help with branding, find a consultant who specializes in branding. Discover how you can become influential in your niche. Learn how to harness the power of social media to get yourself out there, and go to offline events too. Study your competitors, what can you do differently than what they are doing? Are you in an overly saturated niche? How can you spice what you offer up so it stands out?
If you don’t look for ways to be unique and enticing to potential clients, then you will not survive. Again competition is fierce and you need to find ways to fight and thrive!
Hello Miriam,
Great advice! It is a shame, but what you said is absolutely true. I know several people with small businesses that struggled for years, then finally collapsed. If people would invest in themselves and learn how to properly advertise their business and make them stand out from the crowd, then they would do much better! I hope that your small business continues to prosper. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks Kyle, I appreciate the response. Yes, standing out from the crowd is crucial. And I am discovering ways to keep standing out so things are good, and I am not too worried 🙂 Thanks again for commenting.
Hi Miriam,
I think the most important method to stand out of the crowd. To do this, one must first believe in themselves. Know what methods you are familiar with to help others. We must see ourselves as leaders.
As long as we are putting out good content for others, engaging with people on the social media platforms, never selling them, but being social. Lending a hand to others, we will start standing out of that crowd.
We want our reputation to be honest and ethical. As the old saying goes, people buy people, so why not get busy and use time wisely to connect with others? It will take time and patience, but as long as we persist, we will succeed.
You are so right Donna, if we don’t believe in ourselves then who will believe in us? It all starts within and integrity is extremely important. Thanks for the comment.
Hi Miriam,
You are absolutely right, the most important thing to get your business ahead is to stand out in the crowd. It’s very important to brand yourself in a way that is unique and therefore the customer decides to do business with you as opposed to your competitor.
Thank you for sharing this very informative post!
Yes because it is a tough world out there, thanks for commenting.
I agree about standing out. Unfortunately most people are not willing to do what others won’t so they wind up not succeeding becuase of that.
True Jenni, and unfortunate. Thanks for commenting.