Undoubtedly, organic traffic is one of the most efficient ways to get higher revenue. Most of the people rely on organic traffic to drive away higher income. Thus, the various marketing companies have been hiring SEO consultants to get the best of the revenue. These...
I was just thinking back to how things were 5 years ago, and I was not doing much writing at the time. However, I was focused more on my social media management work. I was hired by several clients because they were impressed with my Klout score at the time....
Thanks to the introduction of Instagram Stories, 2018 is becoming the year of more content generation as well as optimization of the content performance through paid advertising to increase the reach on Instagram. Instagram marketing has become a lot more...
I had a confusing incident earlier today. Out of nowhere, I received a message from someone on Facebook who I don’t even know. This person said Sorry but I only friend people I’ve actually met and I don’t think this is the case here. If you are...
The fact of the matter is when you are dealing with depression, you are going to struggle with so much in life. There is a part of you that really does care to contribute something to the world, and there is a part of you that would rather stay in bed and not face...
I have seen it all. I have seen those who are scraping by on minimum wage or are unemployed and struggling to look for work, as well as SAHMs (just in case you are not sure of what that stands for, it is for stay at home moms), or those who are not employable ask how...