Miriam Rachel - Freelance Writer - Ghostwriter - Blogger
Changing Directions

Changing Directions

I know I haven't blogged for a while and I do apologize for that. However, I was away last week in Vegas, and it was fantastic. I have also had an opportunity to clear my mind and do some thinking. I am actually going to be changing my blog around a lot. I am no...

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What Causes us to Procrastinate?

What Causes us to Procrastinate?

Whenever many of us are faced with a big task, or even a small task, a lot of the time we will put it on the back burner and keep it there. It is easy to say "I will work on it tomorrow", and to even believe we will start tackling the task the next day. However, when...

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Business Owners and Depression

Business Owners and Depression

Last week on my podcast, I had interviewed Alicia Cramer, who is a business coach and the topic was about how she managed issues with self worth and depression. I want to talk more about depression. The truth about depression is that a lot of people are suffering from...

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