After the loss of a loved one, getting back into your daily life can be a challenging endeavor. Coping with grief will look different for everyone, and that includes returning to work after a bereavement. Having difficulty finding normalcy at work while grieving is...
On the last episode of Exploring the Eighth House, a very important topic was touched upon. When we lose something or someone very important to us, a loved one or a dream, the response is always grief. Everyone of us has experienced grief in one way or another, and we...
Dealing with death is dificult, and it is very hard when parents pass on, even though this is what is expected to happen one day. However, when a child passes on, the grief experienced by the parents is undescribable. I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Ivy...
On the last episode of Exploring the Eighth House, the topic of grief was spoken about, the process and how it affects us a whole. Because, at some points in our lives, we will be faced with grief which is difficult for everyone to process. I interviewed Dr. Mekel...
On this episode of Exploring the Eighth House, Miriam Rachel delves further into the topic of death, and speaks to author Korttany Finn, and coroner, Jacquie Purcell about the book they had co-written Spoiler Alert: You’re Gonna Die- Unveiling Death One Question...