The need for mental health today is loosely determined by behavior. Meaning there are no concrete ways to know when a person should seek help, so each individual defines that on their own. Once in therapy, the most common method of working through issues is to discuss...
Let’s put COVID aside for the time being (and no I don’t mean that literally as precautions must be taken so we get back to pre-pandemic life again sooner rather than later), and imagine enjoying a latte at Starbucks. The next thing you see is a morbidly...
There you are! You are on your smartphone again, and you have not put that thing down for hours. My bet is that you have forgotten to eat so you are probably starving! But, because you are spending all of that time arguing on that Facebook thread about politics, or...
Whenever you think of your health, you may only be thinking about your physical health. But what about your mental health? Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, and if you don’t care for one, the other will be affected. Your physical...
Mental illness is a major problem that people suffer from, and the great news is that people are being more open about their struggles with mental health. As a result, more awareness is being spread about how having any mental illness such as depression, anxiety, or...
When you have depression, you may struggle with working in an office with others. Office politics can be a trigger for many sufferers and this is also a contributing factor as to why those who are diagnosed with depression live on disability income. This turns into a...